
Discover your AcademicPathway
at 网赌正规真人实体在线平台

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Guided Pathways

What is your path at 网赌正规真人实体在线平台?

网赌正规真人实体在线平台 is here to help you achieve your goal! We have arranged our programs into eight 学校指导你找到适合你的兴趣和未来的项目. The 下面列出了学校的具体页面、课程和教师的链接 for more information. As you explore the different Schools, we are here to help you along the way. 

  • Ask questions

    What do you enjoy doing? How do you spend your time when you’re happiest? Would you prefer to work directly with people? Do you like to build things?

    这些问题的答案可以帮助你找到最适合自己的道路 ——从选课,到选择重点项目,再到获得学位 and going directly to a job or transferring on to a four-year college.

  • Explore and learn

    花点时间探索每个学院和他们的网站:了解哪些课程 and degrees we have at 网赌正规真人实体在线平台. Keep in mind what interests you and what you enjoy!

    在这一年中,每个学校都会有更多的机会去探索 以及你在课堂上与教职员工的日常互动 around campus!

  • Support for you

    当你成为网赌正规真人实体在线平台的学生,你将与完成教练配对 帮助你确保你的目标在轨道上,并与你的问题和 answers throughout your journey.


如果你寻求创造、发明、想象、表演、设计、充满激情地说话和享受 writing, the School of Arts, Humanities & Communication may be for you. These disciplines 影响我们社会的方方面面,帮助我们更好地了解这个世界 we live. 拥有学院的学位,你可以拥有精彩而令人兴奋的职业生涯 Arts, Humanities & Communication.

Programs: Visual 艺术、传播学、英语、新闻、文学、音乐、戏剧和世界 Languages

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你是想在事业上有所进步,赚更多的钱还是自己当老板? If you answered ‘Yes!’ to any of these questions, then the School of Business is the place for you! 我们为会计领域的专业发展提供机会, 管理,营销,以及培训,学习如何创办自己的企业. 无论你是刚刚开始,想要获得副学士学位还是想要 通过我们的应用科学学士学位,让你的职业生涯更上一层楼 获得学位,商学院会在你实现目标的道路上真正支持你.

Programs: 会计,应用管理,商业,经济,项目管理和数字 Marketing

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Do you love learning how things work? Are you passionate about building and creating? Do you enjoy diagnosing problems and developing solutions? In the School of Career & 技术教育,你可以探索许多职业,把你的激情和才能 into a high-tech, in-demand and rewarding job. The School of Professional Technical 还设有各种短期项目,时长不超过11周, can lead directly to employment opportunities.

Programs: 汽车,核技术,健康物理,制造技术/精密 Machining, Welding, Occupational Health & Safety, Short Term Certification and Apprenticeships

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你喜欢和数据打交道吗,喜欢和细节打交道吗,比如写程序代码,收集信息 分析信息来做决定或帮助公司和个人 their computers and networks while keeping their data safe? In the School of Computer 理科生探索开发创新移动应用程序和软件的课程 电脑游戏,创建网页,处理数据和数据库,设置 维护计算机和网络,在确保数据可用的同时保护数据 to authorized users.

Programs: Computer Science, Cyber Security and Software Development

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你喜欢和孩子们一起工作,在他们的生活中创造积极的变化并激励他们吗 lifelong learning? Are you passionate about the value of an education and the opportunities it brings? 在教育学院学习可以帮助你成为一个向导和倡导者 for children and education. Some careers include home family childcare provider, preschool 中心主任,学前班老师,或者是华盛顿州认证的教师 年级从学前班到12年级,有一个选择的重点在各种 areas such as math, physical education, English or science. Whether your plans involve 你很快就会加入工作队伍或追求进一步的学习和发展,学校 of Education is the perfect place to begin.

Programs: Early Childhood Education, Elementary Education and Secondary Education

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你喜欢使用批判性思维和解决问题的技能来帮助医疗保健吗 decisions for a diverse population of people? Are you a competent and compassionate communicator? Careers within the School of Health Sciences may be the perfect fit for you! 网赌正规真人实体在线平台职业需要照顾个人在各种各样的工作 设置,利用尖端技术,促进健康和健康 as encouraging healthy lifestyles. The School of Health Science offers a variety of courses, certifications and degrees for many healthcare occupations. Courses range from a few months of study, to one and two year AAS degrees. 网赌正规真人实体在线平台 also offers an RN 获得护理学学士学位和牙科应用科学学士学位 Hygiene.

Programs: 牙科卫生,紧急医疗技术员,消防科学,无菌处理技术员, Medical Assistant, Medical Imaging, Medical Records & Healthcare Information, Medical 模拟技术、核医学技术、护理学、护理助理、护理人员、 静脉切开术,放射技术,西班牙医学口译和外科技术

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Are you an analytical thinker? Are you curious, a puzzle solver or an innovator? Do 你喜欢建造从最小的粒子到最大的结构的东西? A career in the School of Math, Science & Engineering may be for you! Studies in physical 而生命科学、数学和工程学可以导致生物学领域的职业生涯, 化学、工程、环境科学、营养学、物理学等等. The School 数学、科学和工程课程帮助学生了解我们生活的宇宙 并培养必要的技能,使世界成为一个更美好的生活和工作场所.

Programs: 农业、天文学、生物学、化学、工程学、工程技术、 环境科学、运动科学、地质/自然地理、数学、 Nutrition and Physics

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Do you like working with people? Do you want to better understand yourself, others and the way people interact? Or do you have a calling to help others? Studies in the 社会和行为科学的学科可以帮助你发展基础知识 that will be useful in almost any career. Whether you’re looking for knowledge that 是与你的兴趣直接相关的,还是为将来的发展奠定了基础 学习和进步,社会与行为科学学院是完美的 place to begin.

Programs: 人类学、刑事司法、历史、跨文化研究、政治学、 Psychology, Social Work and Sociology

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Fast Facts


Programs in our eight Schools


Degree paths to choose from


Student clubs on campus


Admission acceptance

Events & Deadlines


Student sitting in grass with laptop open